I found artichokes priced three for a dollar the other day, and that, without further adornment, was the genesis of this week’s soup. As someone who claims to do improv in the kitchen, I take inspiration from ingredients I find at the grocery store. Yet because my efforts result in spectacular failures on occasion, price […]
The soup this week was something of a command performance. My wife and I are co-hosting a fund-raising dinner with another couple on Saturday and we wanted to offer jars of soup as a take away for the attendees. To be honest, co-hosting may be too generous a term. The couple we’re working with are […]
The soup this week is Seafood Chowder, but I’m not exactly sure why. Clam chowder is a great soup and definitely belongs in the culinary canon but I don’t have any particular emotional attachment to the stuff. My brother was the big chowder fan growing up, but outside of lunching on cans of Snow’s […]
Back when I was single and first learning how to cook, I would invite friends over to my Valley Village apartment, cook all day, drink lots of wine, and wind up smoking cigars on the roof of my garage. Unlike today, the menu was never static. I made pesto lasagna from Marcella Hazan, chocolate mousse […]
I have been wanting to cook my version of French Onion Soup for quite a while, and this week turned out to be the perfect time. Or so I thought. Now, in case you hadn’t noticed, I’ve been trying to make my soups accessible to meat eaters and vegetarians alike. As a result, I’ve slipped […]
I was looking through the blog archives this week (Oh, the memories…) and discovered that I’ve categorized twenty-two of my thirty soups as vegetarian. (Sorry, I haven’t gone so far as to classify which are vegan (some), or ovo-lacto vegetarian (most), or even pesco-vegetarian (none, yet). Please bear with me.) Now, before you start asking […]
After a summer’s worth of Olympian games, my youngest is finally finishing up the Percy Jackson series.* To celebrate I decided to take The Soup Blog Greek… again. And no, this isn’t a re-run. Remember Spanakopita Soup? Good stuff, huh? Well this recipe is even fresher, though more “of the people,” not so overpowering and […]
When I was a kid, my mother got me to eat celery by slathering a layer of peanut butter across the top. When I learned to cook, I discovered that celery was part of the holy trinity of veggies that make up mirepoix (onions and carrots being the other two), the base for a lot […]
I grew up eating avocadoes. My grandfather was an orange rancher in Orange County back when there still were oranges in the OC. The orange juice from his trees is still the best I’ve ever tasted, but it was the few avocado trees he had in his orchard that I think of more often. Snacks […]