When I was growing up, the kitchen was the domain of the mothers and sisters. The males would wander in occasionally with their ham-fisted attempts at cooking such family favorites as fried chicken and tamale pie (the only known use for Green Giant Mexicorn), but for the most part we stayed out of the way. […]
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how spring was coming. The snow was melting, crocuses and snowdrops were blooming and the mercury was up above 50 for the first time in months. False alarm. Chicago will do that to you. Veteran Midwesterners are used to this meteorological bait and switch. We Californians still […]
After nearly 13 years of marriage, I’ve learned there are times when I just need to keep my mouth shut. Sadly I haven’t learned when those times are, so, to be on the safe side, I tend to hold my tongue almost always. Luckily, my wife is something of a talker, so there is no […]
If you read last week’s post, you might think a good cook can correct any dish that hasn’t turned out right. Add a little bit of this, a little of that and voila, the meal is saved. Sorry. Sometimes when culinary explorations don’t work out the only recourse is to start over. That’s what happened […]
Making soup is like playing matchmaker. You try to pair ingredients into a lively but sustainable relationship. Sometimes things go together. Sometimes they don’t. Sometimes opposites attract. Sometimes like attracts like. There isn’t a consistent formula. Not that I’m an expert, I’m a guy. Even worse, I’m a husband. All I know about relationships is […]
I recently put out a call to readers (although perhaps the plural is a bit optimistic) for requests for recipes you might want to see. What I got back was a veritable tureenful (ouch) of suggestions. The best chef I know, asked for Split Pea, Mushroom or Cabbage Beet. I also got an intriguing request […]
The cucumber is soft-spoken. It’s flavor is neither strong nor brash. As a result it’s a vegetable that often doesn’t get a lot of respect. You might even say it’s the Rodney Dangerfield* of vegetables. At best the cucumber is a supporting player adding texture and crunch to other ingredients that hog the spotlight. In […]
Yes, soup is easy and inexpensive to make. Yes, soup can easily embrace the four food groups in one meal (or all the levels of the food pyramid, if you want to go all Egyptian). Yes, soup can be a delicious platform to feature almost any ingredient you choose. But my favorite thing about soup […]
For me, the most rewarding tasks are the ones I do with my hands. I particularly enjoy working with wood but I enjoy fixing small electrical mishap and solving the odd mechanical trouble as well. For some reason the route to the most creative part of my brain goes right through my fingers. It’s why […]